The state of the California Current, spring 2008-2009: cold conditions drive regional differences in coastal production

McClatchie S., Goericke R., Schwing F.B., Bograd S.J., Peterson W.T., Emmett R., Charter R., Watson W., Lo N., Hill K., Collins C., Kahru M., Mitchell B.G., Koslow J.A., Gomez-Valdes J., Lavaniegos B.E., Gaxiola-Castro G., Gottschalck J., L’Heureux M., Xue Y., Manzano-Sarabia M., Bjorkstedt E., Ralston S., Field J., Rogers-Bennet L.L., Munger L., Campbell G., Merkens K., Camacho D., Havron A., Douglas A. y Hilderbrand J. 2009. The state of the California Current, spring 2008-2009: cold conditions drive regional differences in coastal production. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 50:43-68.